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Toxicity has permeated every facet of our lives! From the food we eat to the water we drink and the air we breathe. Our bodies are constantly under the burden of clearing these toxins from our bodies. 


What happens when this burden becomes too much and we are unable to properly filter these toxins out?  We start to see the cells of our bodies become damaged from free radicals and oxidation occurs. Free radicals are an atom that has lost an electron and becomes VERY destructive until balanced by an electron from antioxidants.  If not enough antioxidants are present in the body the free radical will continue borrowing electrons thus making these atoms into free radicals causing further damage to the cells. This is also known as oxidative stress. 

Our bodies produce our own antioxidants, which prevent this oxidation to a certain extent. Examples of these are superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione. Diet also plays a key role into getting our bodies enough antioxidants.  Because of the onslaught of toxins we must not only consume a diet high in antioxidants, but also we must become educated about all the toxins going into the system so we can reduce our exposure to them. Consuming Antioxidants alone will only provide a little time before chronic disease shows up.

All chronic disease stems from oxidative damage to the cells of your body.  Heart disease, cancer, neurological disorders, autoimmune disorders all start from theses free radicals that can’t be balanced. This is a fact despite what western medicine has taught us.  If we can figure out why or what is causing the oxidative stress in our bodies and remove it we can then treat the issue at the ROOT CAUSE and not just at the symptom level.

The power and intelligence your body has to regenerate and balance itself is amazing.  What you eat, drink, breath and what you put on your skin becomes the fuel and building blocks of your body. Detoxification is essential for the restoration, maintenance, and promotion of cellular health.  Every one of your 100 trillion cells can be a powerhouse of energy! 


Below is a list of Top Ten things you can do now to start the Detoxification process!

  1. Change your toxic thoughts.

  2. Stop ingesting toxins from food, skin care products, and the water you drink and bathe in.

  3. Cleanse and strengthen the liver and gall bladder, blood and Kidney’s using organic food, herbs, essential oils, or method of choice.

  4. Electrically balance your body by grounding outside with bare feet or using grounding technology.

  5. Drink half your body weight in clean water every day.

  6. Move your body everyday for at least 50 minutes. Working In vs. Working Out for optimal lymphatic pumping.

  7. Dry skin brushing, infrared sauna, tongue scrapping will all help the body release toxins.

  8. Parasite and Fungal cleaning is important to kill off the body’s foreign invaders.

  9. Remove yourself from toxic relationship or relationships that aren’t for your best interest.

  10. PLAY: allow yourself the opportunity to play and enjoy things you that truly bring you happiness.

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